
Wednesday 24 January 2018

Summer learning journey

In the mid-1930s, things began to change for the better in New Zealand. More people were
able to find work and receive a steady paycheck. They were still careful, however, with their
money and rarely, if ever, bought treats or gifts for one another.

Imagine that you were able to travel back in time to visit a family in the 1930s. What special
gifts or treats would you like to bring with you? I would likely bring blocks of Whittaker’s
chocolate, bags of Jet Planes and Pineapple Lumps, healthy food snacks, clothing, and
games for the children. What about you?

If I went back in time I would bring them food,McDonald,KFC,Chocolate,A new car,a new TV ,
Sky,Computer,A new telephone,I could show them YouTube,Phone,even songs, a new bed,
puzzles for the kids,Money to help them with their kids so they can go school,Brand new
clothes and WiFi.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora again Diego,

    Thank you for completing another activity and for telling us what you would like to take back to a family in the 1930s.
    Chocolate would be an incredible gift to receive from someone from the future! More so, McDonald's and KFC would be utterly mind blowing.
    It might change something in time and the family you've visited may end up becoming the founders of the popular fast food chains!
    Remember that the currency would be different too, so you would have to go and exchange it somewhere... perhaps at some sort of time-travelling currency exchange shop.

    How do you think you'd find the right currency?

    It's been a real pleasure reading your blog posts Diego,

    I look forward to reading many more!


