
Thursday 18 January 2018

summer learning journey

Everyone’s family is unique. What makes your family special? Choose
three people close to you
and ask them what their two favorite things to do in summer are.

My little brother likes to play in the sand and chase birds around.

My other little brother likes to play games and he likes to play in the water.

My mum likes to swim in the water and relax on the beach

On your blog, write two fun facts about each person. For example,
my Nana plays the bagpipes!

My little brother is only 3 years old and his hits are hard and he
the naughtiest out of everyone

My other little brother is 6 years old and he is good at doing
too and he is a good singer

My dad is 33 he likes playing video games and he is very tough.

My mum is 33 she is a very good cook and she never gives up on


1 comment:

  1. Hey Diego! Great to see you're blogging during your summer break. Keep it up!
    I've enjoyed reading some interesting facts about your family. It's good to hear your little brother is clever, and strong too. What kind of songs does your other brother like to sing?

    I like playing video games too. What does your dad enjoy playing?

    What two facts would you write about yourself for this activity?

    Thank you Diego,
