
Wednesday 24 January 2018

summer learning journey

Ko Tuwatawata te maunga. The mountain that I affiliate to is…
Ko Whirinaki te awa. The river that I affiliate to is….
Ko Mātaatua te waka. The waka that I affiliate to is…
Ko Wharepakau tōku tīpuna. My founding ancestor is…
Ko Ngāti Whare  tōku iwi. My tribe is…
Ko Ngāti ki Te tōku hapu. My sub-tribe is…
Ko Waikotikoti tōku marae. My marae is…
Ko Hine - nui-te-pō te whare tīpuna. My meeting house is...
Ko Te Hau o Pū te whare kai. My dining area...
Saint Johns ahau. I am from…
Ko Andrew rāua ko Karissa  ōku mātua  My parents are … and …

Ko Diego ahau  My name is …

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Diego,

    Ka pai for completing your pepeha, I must say that this is the most extensive pepeha that I've seen from all students across every cluster in New Zealand. You should be really proud of yourself for knowing so much about your pepeha.
    I've spotted that Mātaatua is your waka? Mātaatua is also my waka! How awesome— we must be whānau!

    It's cool that Hine-nui-te-po is your ancestral house; she's amazing. Do you know much about Hine-nui-te-po?

    Keep up the great mahi, e hoa.


