
Wednesday 19 July 2017

bonus Activity: Hector’s dolphins are a very special native animal found only in New Zealand. They are the smallest dolphin in the world measuring 1.5 metres long and they are quite rare. Sadly, many Hector’s dolphins are killed every year when they get caught in large fishing nets and can’t escape. Some people have argued that fishermen shouldn’t be allowed to fish in Farewell Spit in order to protect the dolphins living there. What do you think? On your blog, tell us whether you think that fishing in Farewell Spit should be banned (stopped).
C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Hectors dolphin trapped.jpg
Bonus Activity: 10 points

I think we should not let them fish because I we don’t  anything about this then the Hector’s dolphin's will all die then we won’t have anymore  Hector’s dolphin's and because if people scare the  Hector’s dolphin's they might run away and swim in another country or the fishermen might fish up all of the  Hector’s dolphin's and then the  Hector’s dolphin's will be very rare to find them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diego,

    I agree with you - if fishing at the Spit is accidentally killing an animal like these dolphins, then it should be stopped. Or, perhaps there's another method of fishing that could be used that wouldn't result in the dolphins being caught. Perhaps there's a different type of net or fishermen should have to use rods and reels to catch their fish so that large animals, like dolphins, aren't caught by mistake.

    Hopefully there's a solution to this problem!

    Good blogging!

