
Tuesday 18 July 2017

Day #4: Swimming with the Sharks
By the end of Day #3, you have seen a lot of the north island of New Zealand.  Hopefully you have enjoyed it and you’re excited for the next phase of your journey – the ferry trip across the Cook Strait from the bottom of the north island to the top of the south island. You will spend the next two days exploring the south island before you head back up to Auckland, via Wellington (the capital city of New Zealand).
C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Interislander Ferry (NZ).jpg

Activity 1: When you arrive in the south island, Curious Kiwi rents a shuttle van and drives your group from Picton (the town where the ferry dropped you off) to a beautiful beach on the opposite side of the island. The beach area is called Golden Bay and, at one end of the bay, is a stunning area called Farewell Spit.

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\NZ Map - Schematic.png
Farewell Spit has been in the news recently as a number of whales accidentally swam into the spit and became stuck on the beach. They were unable to swim back to the ocean because the water was too shallow. Many local people tried to save the ‘beached’ whales. Please follow this Farewell Spit link to learn more about what happened. On your blog, describe what the local people did to try and save the beached whales.

They were getting water and putting on the whale.They were putting the water in  the chill bins,buckets,pots,water bottles and mixing bowls.They were digging a hole under the whale so they could put some water in the whole so the whale would stay cool it was like they were making  a little pool for the whale.Some people were volunteering to help the whales back into the water  and some people  were offering their wet towels, t-shirts and sarongs.They are going to wait until it is hide tide then the whales are going to go back into the water.Volunteers helped even it was nightfall.They could've used the digger and put the whales in the water.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diego, I'm enjoying reading your blog from my home in Canada.

    You've clearly done your research about the whales that were stuck on the beach. You wrote an informative paragraph - good for you! Isn't it amazing that people were willing to work so hard for so many hours to try to save the whales? It was a very fine effort and very generous of those who worked so hard to be of help.

    Right now we have a lot of volunteers helping other people in western Canada who are being driven out of their homes by wild fires. Thousands and thousands of Canadians have lost everything as fires have swept through their communities this summer. It's always inspiring to see people being generous and helpful in difficult times, isn't it?

    I hope you're enjoying this blogging program. I'm so impressed that you've chosen to blog on your school break. Good for you!!!

