
Tuesday 11 July 2017

winter learning journey

Bonus Activity: When you finish your interview with Laura, you decide to keep on interviewing people. For this activity, your task is to conduct a real interview with an actual member of your family. Please ask them to think about their five (5) favorite things to do in the out-of-doors. They can be things that they enjoy doing on land or in the water. Post the list of outdoor activities on your blog.
My little brother

1.I like playing tag out sides
2.I like playing bob the builder outside
3. I like to play guns out sides
4.I like to build bases out of wood

5.I like to play wrestling outside on the grass.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Diego,

    Thank you for sharing information about outdoor activities your brother enjoys. He seems like a very active person running around with such cool games to play. My daughter Shonny loves playing tag outside too with her cousins during the school holidays. I am happy to see we have some similar interests. Good work!

    I can't wait to read more interesting facts Diego! Tumeke!

    Kia Kaha,

