Zack was going to school and his pimple was gone so when he got to school this guy was looking at him like he had two heads but the guy that was looking at Zack was the one that had two heads.When he walked pass sally she said are you OK she said.She said put on this bandage on and when people ask you what happen just say that you were in a bike ride accident. Zack said why do you care. because my cousin had it and she gave it to me and I might have given it to you.It will grow back in two days.When he woke up his pimple grow back then he went to his Friends party when he went to the party the bullied that was bulling every one was related to his friend. he drooped the present on the table and when he open it it was a kiddie pool and he told his friend to go in the pool.But he could not swim.Then he started to scream for his mum and his dad.The next day he acted tough and stand up to those bullies and on his way to school he bumped in to the bullies and then they said that he forgot to gel his hair so he told his huge friend to spit on his hair then the walked off.
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